How do we upgrade Olympus IX73 to fluorescence?

Introduction of the Olympus IX3 series microscope

The IX3 is a highly expandable platform for live cell imaging designed with the scientist’s workflow in mind.

The Olympus IX3 microscope system offers diverse units, bringing greater efficiency to everything from casual observation to serious imaging. Simple cassette-like insertion into the deck makes it easy to mount fluorescence modules, fluorescence illuminators, and other desired units.

Olympus IX3 sereis microscope stands

The IX3 framework for Olympus IX53, IX73, and IX83.

A third party LED fluorescence module and illuminator

What is the cost-effective fluorescence upgrading solution?

Based on the flexible expansion feature of the IX3 frame, MICRO-SHOT has launched a modular fluorescence module. By adding this fluorescence module, the fluorescence observation function can be realized without changing the original structure of the IX3. The fluorescence filter and light source have been integrated, and no additional accessories are needed.

Olympus IX73 with LED fluorescence module

Installation photo of Olympus IX73 with MIF-LED fluorescence module

GFP EGFP stain live cell

Performance photos of GFP/EGFP and DAPI stained live cell under IX73 microscope with MSHOT LED fluorescence module

Introduction of the fluorescence module

This fluorescence module includes filters, fluorescence excitation cubes and light sources, and a base plate for mounting. It supports Olympus IX53, IX73, and IX83.

The conventional fluorescence excitation bands can be selected from blue, green, yellow, ultraviolet and red excitation, and the module can support three different fluorescence channels at a time. Another bright field channel is reserved for microscope transmission bright field illumination.

Suitable for common dyes for living cell observation GFP, Alexas Fluor, PI, TexasRed, mCherry, Cy3, Cy5, DAPI, etc.

Standard configuration
ModelLED lampFilter wavelengthMainly Applied Fluorochrome
Excitation filterDichroic mirrorEmission filter
BBlue475/30nm>505nm530/40nmGFP / FITC /EGFP/ Malaria diagnostic/ Alexa 488 / Cy2@ / Fluo-4 / FluorX@ / Fluoro-Jade
GGreen530/40nm>570nm575nmLPPI / EB / EH /TRITC
YYellow560/40nm>600nm610nmLPmCherry / Texas Red /     AlexaFluor 594
UUV375/30nm>415nm460/50nmDAPI / Hoechst 33342&33258 / AMCA/AMCA-X / Alexa 350