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New Arrivals & Hot Sales

Supplier for Olympus, Nikon, Leica, and Zeiss

LED fluorescence upgrade solution

The founder of the MSHOT brand has a background in biomedicine and confocal microscopy. This enables MSHOT to understand the fluorescence microscope users' needs deeply. The company is located in Guangzhou, China, a global LED lamp manufacturing base. Therefore, MSHOT focuses on LED fluorescence technology and provides fluorescence solutions for world-renowned microscope brands Olympus, Nikon, Leica, and Zeiss helping dealers increase the sales of their microscopes.

Bright field microscope fluorescence upgrade solution

The LED fluorescence module can upgrade infinity optical microscopes of biological, inverted, and stereo to fluorescence microscopes. No changes are required to the microscope's original structure.

Fluorescence microscope mercury lamp replacement illuminator solution

Wide-spectrum high-power LED illuminators can replace mercury lamps as the light source for fluorescence microscopes. They are safer and easier to use, have a longer lifespan, and greatly reduce the damage caused by high temperatures and UV, reducing environmental pollution.

To be MSHOT distributor

MSHOT was founded in 2003 and started by providing C-mount adapters and cameras to microscope users then gradually developed into a manufacturer that can produce whole microscopes. The hot-selling products that can be exported include biological microscopes, fluorescence microscopes, stereo microscopes, LED fluorescence modules and illuminators, microscope cameras, live cell images, etc. We can also supply microscopes in the industrial field.

Our distributors have covered Asia, South and North America, Europe, and some countries in the Middle East. With the enrichment of product lines and the expansion of production capacity, we look forward to finding more microscope companies that understand the microscope industry and have the technical experience to represent our brand. If life science is your main business area, that would be great.

Guangzhou Micro-shot Technology Co., Ltd

Microscope and Imaging System Manufacture & Solution Provider

MICRO-SHOT company branded MSHOT was established in 2003 and targeted to localization manufacture of scientific grade microscopes in China. It integrates R&D, manufacturing, and a mature supply chain providing optical microscopes and microscopy solutions worldwide. And the company now focuses on LED technology applied to fluorescence microscopes and smart microscope imaging solutions. It has been built up collaboration with Evident China branch, and being the third party supplier to Olympus,Nikon,Leica and Zeiss microscope distributors.

New arrivals and hot sales

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New arrivals and hot sales

Lorem xt ever since the 1500s, wheg essIpsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsus been the industry’s standard dummy ver has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, wheg essentially Unchanged page editors contary.

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